Sunday, April 4, 2010

My heart is home

They say home is where your heart is. I was definitely at home last night.

Yesterday felt so long. I was so anxious to see Josh again. I missed him so much. I spent the entire day daydreaming about how our encounter would be.

There is no way I could've dreamed up last night. It was BETTER than a dream, it was a fantasy come true.

I can still feel his touch. Thinking about him makes my body quiver. It was like our bodies melded together. I can't even remember the details leading up to the moment. I just remember never wanting to let go.

When we came it was like syncopated swimming... NO, when we came it WAS syncopated swimming.

Today I have to work until 3. It's Easter Sunday and I know I should be spending it with my family but all I can think about is Josh. I want to be with him every second that he is in town. I hate that he is this close and I can't have him all to myself.

I hate what I am doing to Eric. I wish that he did it for me. I wish that it was him that I sit and fantasize about. The thought of being with Eric does nothing for me.

Seeing Josh, no hearing Josh's voice makes my pussy wet. I am SO in love with this man it's dumb.

Saturday, April 3, 2010

Caught up

Now my friend, you have been completely caught up. The abridged version of my crazy ass life.

I am now sitting in my bed with one of the twins sleeping soundly at the foot. Eric is downstairs, sleeping, I guess. Or maybe in the basement. I honestly don't care. I'm just glad he isn't in here.

It is 7:20 AM and I am waiting. Waiting for Josh to get here. YAY. I am in the best mood ever and I can't wait to see him.

It is supposed to be gorgeous outside and it couldn't have happened on a better day.

Yeah, I got family stuff to do early but as soon as I'm through I'll be with my Pooh!

I feel like a kid the night before Christmas. I know what I want is waiting for me under the tree. I just can't have it for another 8 hours. I promise you I am going to enjoy ripping the package off of this one.

Josh is back

After the convention, I returned home, all I could think about was Josh. I didn't even care if I talked to Chase.

Chase noticed the change in my attitude. He commented on how I had changed since my trip. How I was acting different.

I still talked to him but I didn't see him. I didn't care if I saw him or not. When I wasn't talking to Chase, which was often, I was talking to Josh.

I couldn't stand being away from him. I missed Josh more than I ever thought I could. I thought I was over him. I thought I could care less if I ever saw him again. I thought wrong.

I went back to visit Josh a month later. It started off with every "bad sign" you can imagine. After boarding my flight was deplaned. Something about a storm where he was. The flight was delayed indefinitely. There were two flights trying to get there and gate C14 was overcrowded. I just sat there.

I was annoyed, tired, and wanted to go back home. But I couldn't, my sister had dropped me off at the airport and I was supposed to be going out of town with her.

What was I gonna do. I decided I'd figure it out when the lines died down. I was in such a pissy mood that I had already decided I didn't want to go. Josh wasn't answering his phone. I was DONE.

Then all at once the cloud passed. The flight was back on. Josh called me. I was on my way. Still in a pissy mood. Sorry Josh.

When I got there I was the biggest bitch ever. He really should've left my nasty ass at the airport, but he didn't.

When we finally got to the room. I just wanted to take a shower and go to sleep. Of course Josh didn't. I mean how could he? After all the shit that was said to each other prior to my arrival.

Well the week prior to my arrival. I decided, six days before I left, that I didn't want to talk to Josh anymore until I got there. I didn't want one of us to say something to fuck up how we were feeling about each other. During those six days I was in the shittiest mood ever. I think they call it PMS, my doctor described it as PMDD and it starts the week before my period. Every month. I hate it.

What makes it so bad is while I'm going through this PMDD bullshit I KNOW I'm being a bitch, but because of the mood I don't give a fuck. So I do nothing about it but act like a fucking bitch. Gotta say it again. Sorry Josh.

After arrival night I woke up trying my hardest to be in a better mood. We went shopping for my kids and had lunch. Still being a bitch.

We went back to the room and I was sleepy. We played a few games. That's our thing. He tries really hard to beat me at anything. Sometimes I let him win, normally I don't. I just beat the shit out of him. After getting tired of whipping his ass, so many times, I decided to take a nap. Josh wanted to lay and play. I wanted to go to sleep. SO I did. Still being a bitch.

Josh had things to do. I wanted him to leave so I could try to snap myself out of this mood. I didn't want want this trip to be wasted on my dumb ass mood. He wanted me to go with him. FINE. I didn't want to, but I did. I'm glad I did. We had fun.

Got back to the room. Still a bitch.... I know, I KNOW!

Josh fell asleep watching a movie and that's when it happened. I WANTED TO BE WITH HIM and his ass was SLEEP. Get the fuck outta here. He was sleep and WOULD NOT wake up. Okay I deserved it so I took a shower and went to sleep.

GOOD MORNING. I woke up to Josh rubbing my back. I love this man.

We made love and his dick felt inFUCKINGcredible. OMG.

Of course, time after that moment, went by way too fast and it was time for me to leave. I didn't want to leave, ever.

I forgot how much I loved him

Time went on and all was well, everything was normal. Well normal for me. Chase and Eric. Then I had to go on a trip.

I happened to be in Josh-town. Of course I called him and told him I was in the area. The first night he stopped by my hotel to say hi. I wanted to leave with him right then, but I couldn't. I had to be up early in the morning and I needed my sleep.

The next night, after my convention he had a car pick me up from my hotel room. I was turned on before I even got to him. We went to a bar where a DJ was playing songs I hadn't heard in for ever. Songs I hadn't heard since Josh, Round 1.

Music is my weakness. Nobody knows that better than Josh. It's like when a song comes on I transform into the moment of the song. I can't describe it. Josh probably could.

It felt so good seeing him again. I didn't realize how much I missed him. I had forgotten how much I loved him, it was back and stronger than before.

After the bar we went to a hotel seperate from the one I was staying at for the convention. I never wanted that night to end.

We turned on the music in the hotel and I was on. Oh my God, I really missed this man. Seriously, nobody has ever made love to me like Josh. Nobody.

Now what?

At first things were cool. Then it felt like that was all Chase wanted to talk about. It got on my nerves. I told him. He stopped. That was easy.

So Amanda didn't eat my pussy again for several months and I didn't care one way or the other I was over it.

Every now and then out of the blue she would call me telling me how she wanted to. Normally after she had watched a porno. She loved porn. Ugh, I can't stand it. I especially can't stand seeing a man ram his dick into a lady. As much as I love the feeling it looks so painful. Porn is not my thing.

A few times when Amanda would call we'd call Chase and the three of us would have phone sex. Once it elevated to websex. Well kinda. Both of them watched as I played with my pussy on the webcam.

It finally fizzled out and Amanda and I find other things to talk about.

Road Trip

Amanda, Chase and I decided we wanted an entire weekend to ourselves. So we decided to drive several hours away from home and stayed in a timeshare somewhere.

It wasn't a sex crazed weekend like some might assume. We actually had fun. I was cooking for them and they were enjoying it. We went to a winery, horseback riding, I had an itinerary and both of them were down. Activities during the day, sex and more sex at night.

It was funny. After dinner, we played Uno for shots. I was beating the shit out of them. It got to the point that they were making me take shots for dumb stuff just to get me fucked up. I was borderline passed out when we took the game to the bedroom.

Amanda bought a rabbit so while Chase and I fucked the shit out of each other after she ate my pussy she did her thing with the rabbit. Chase was in his own personal porno and loving every minute of it.

Oh hell no!

Sometimes weeks would go by and Amanda and I wouldn't talk about "it". We talked about everything else and still hung out. She'd come to my house with her kids or I'd take mine to hers. Our normal friendship resumed.

Weeks or maybe even months went by and we never did it again. I think outside of the time with Chase we may have done it twice on our own.

One night I was at her house. We were drinking and watching TV. Her husband was out. The kids were asleep. I was on the phone with Chase and she ate my pussy while he listened.

Then her husband came home.

When he got there his shirt was on inside out and I seemed to be the only one phased by this. I asked him why his shirt was on inside out and he said he spilled milk on it. How much fucking sense did that make? Ugh, I HATE him. I KNOW I have no right to hate him for doing to her what I've been doing to Eric for YEARS.

I don't know what came over Amanda but she told her husband that she wanted to have a threesome with me. He didn't hesitate. He pushed me to the couch and was on top of me in seconds. I was like oh HELL NO. He wouldn't stop. I remember thinking, oh shit, I've done it now. After trying to get him off me for what felt like too long Amanda pushed him off me and we left.

We went straight to Chase. I didn't want to go anywhere else or be with anyone else. Chase always made me feel better. No matter what I was upset about. If Eric pissed me off, I called Chase. If my boss pissed me off, I called Chase. If my mother pissed me off, I called Chase. You get the picture. He always made me feel better, whatever the situation.

Amanda and I went to Chase. Why did I bring her? Of course, we had another threesome.


I can't lie. Shit, I've been WAY too honest up until now. Amanda eating my pussy felt incredible. It was soft and she knew exactly what to do and when to do it.

I think it caught us all by surprise.

Chase and I fucked and it was Amanda's turn to watch. It was like the two of them were passing me back and forth and I was enjoying every minute of it.

Then it was over and Amanda and I were left to ride ALL the way home together.

It was awkward the whole way home. We barely said two words.

I know I was in disbelief. I have no idea what she could've been thinking.

I woke up the next morning feeling more guilty than I had ever felt before. Not because I had cheated on Eric, again. Because Amanda ate my pussy and I couldn't stop thinking about it.

The entire weekend passed and Amanda and I didn't speak.

The next day while were were both at work. We sent our good morning e-mails, like we normally do. The conversation started off dry. We were both tiptoeing around the elephant in the room.

Finally the ice was broken. We started chatting about what happened with Chase. She admitted she enjoyed the experience as much as I did. She told me she couldn't wait to do it again. I couldn't wait for her to do it again.

I'm not sure what it is that makes Amanda comfortable with eating my pussy. She promised that she has never done it before. Whatever it is, I can tell you this, I DO NOT have it in me. Call me what you want, but I KNOW I will never be able to do that one. It took me several sexmates before I even sucked a dick and liked it. A pussy? Oh hell no.

I told Amanda how I felt and she was okay with it. She said she liked doing it because seeing how my body reacted to her turned her on.

A whole new level of RIDICULOUSNESS

Just as quickly as the urge to write a tell all blog came, it left. I'm not sure why. I think reading back all of my indiscretions has me overwhelmed with guilt.

Or maybe not. As I type this I am having problems falling back to sleep. Anxious. My baby coming to town and I can't WAIT to see him.

Oops, I haven't gotten you completely caught up yet.

Now... where was I?

Oh yes of course, Chase. An entire year had gone by and I was the most faithful I had ever been. Well as faithful as I could be to Chase considering I was married to Eric.

Chase and I did everything together. We even had our own secret meeting place where we felt free to be a couple. We were regulars. All the other regulars thought for sure we were the most in love couple they had ever seen. Little did they know. We weren't even supposed to be in there acting like that.

We acted like we weren't in our own back yard. We acted like we were never going to get caught.

One day while out with Eric and the kids, one of the regulars at my spot with Chase spotted me. He looked at me in disbelief. Like he couldn't believe I was CHEATING ON CHASE.

I started running out of excuses to go out alone so I started dragging my girlfriend Amanda along. She was married too. Her husband treated her like SHIT. It pissed me off so bad that I started hating his ass.

Soon Amanda had a boyfriend at her job and we had the perfect alibi's. Leave together, go our separate ways, meet back up, go home.

One night Amanda's boyfriend wasn't available so she was left to hang with me and Chase. We took her to our bar and had way too much fun laughing and acting like fools.

When the bar closed, we always stayed until they did, Amanda asked Chase if she could smoke with him. That was her thing. That was their thing. Mine, not so much.

This wasn't the first time that Amanda had hung out with Chase and I over the years, so it was expected that they smoke together. The both looked forward to it. I normally was just there for support and to laugh at there foolishness.

This night was different. I smoked too.

Like any other night after leaving "our spot" Chase and I were all over each other. The only difference was Amanda was there, watching it, and enjoying it.

She was watching as Chase and I kissed and licked each other everywhere. She started telling us what she wanted to see us do. We were doing it.

I don't know exactly how or what happened but eventually Amanda joined in. She started kissing and licking on me.

That was the first night Amanda at my pussy.