Saturday, April 3, 2010

A whole new level of RIDICULOUSNESS

Just as quickly as the urge to write a tell all blog came, it left. I'm not sure why. I think reading back all of my indiscretions has me overwhelmed with guilt.

Or maybe not. As I type this I am having problems falling back to sleep. Anxious. My baby coming to town and I can't WAIT to see him.

Oops, I haven't gotten you completely caught up yet.

Now... where was I?

Oh yes of course, Chase. An entire year had gone by and I was the most faithful I had ever been. Well as faithful as I could be to Chase considering I was married to Eric.

Chase and I did everything together. We even had our own secret meeting place where we felt free to be a couple. We were regulars. All the other regulars thought for sure we were the most in love couple they had ever seen. Little did they know. We weren't even supposed to be in there acting like that.

We acted like we weren't in our own back yard. We acted like we were never going to get caught.

One day while out with Eric and the kids, one of the regulars at my spot with Chase spotted me. He looked at me in disbelief. Like he couldn't believe I was CHEATING ON CHASE.

I started running out of excuses to go out alone so I started dragging my girlfriend Amanda along. She was married too. Her husband treated her like SHIT. It pissed me off so bad that I started hating his ass.

Soon Amanda had a boyfriend at her job and we had the perfect alibi's. Leave together, go our separate ways, meet back up, go home.

One night Amanda's boyfriend wasn't available so she was left to hang with me and Chase. We took her to our bar and had way too much fun laughing and acting like fools.

When the bar closed, we always stayed until they did, Amanda asked Chase if she could smoke with him. That was her thing. That was their thing. Mine, not so much.

This wasn't the first time that Amanda had hung out with Chase and I over the years, so it was expected that they smoke together. The both looked forward to it. I normally was just there for support and to laugh at there foolishness.

This night was different. I smoked too.

Like any other night after leaving "our spot" Chase and I were all over each other. The only difference was Amanda was there, watching it, and enjoying it.

She was watching as Chase and I kissed and licked each other everywhere. She started telling us what she wanted to see us do. We were doing it.

I don't know exactly how or what happened but eventually Amanda joined in. She started kissing and licking on me.

That was the first night Amanda at my pussy.

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