Saturday, April 3, 2010

Josh is back

After the convention, I returned home, all I could think about was Josh. I didn't even care if I talked to Chase.

Chase noticed the change in my attitude. He commented on how I had changed since my trip. How I was acting different.

I still talked to him but I didn't see him. I didn't care if I saw him or not. When I wasn't talking to Chase, which was often, I was talking to Josh.

I couldn't stand being away from him. I missed Josh more than I ever thought I could. I thought I was over him. I thought I could care less if I ever saw him again. I thought wrong.

I went back to visit Josh a month later. It started off with every "bad sign" you can imagine. After boarding my flight was deplaned. Something about a storm where he was. The flight was delayed indefinitely. There were two flights trying to get there and gate C14 was overcrowded. I just sat there.

I was annoyed, tired, and wanted to go back home. But I couldn't, my sister had dropped me off at the airport and I was supposed to be going out of town with her.

What was I gonna do. I decided I'd figure it out when the lines died down. I was in such a pissy mood that I had already decided I didn't want to go. Josh wasn't answering his phone. I was DONE.

Then all at once the cloud passed. The flight was back on. Josh called me. I was on my way. Still in a pissy mood. Sorry Josh.

When I got there I was the biggest bitch ever. He really should've left my nasty ass at the airport, but he didn't.

When we finally got to the room. I just wanted to take a shower and go to sleep. Of course Josh didn't. I mean how could he? After all the shit that was said to each other prior to my arrival.

Well the week prior to my arrival. I decided, six days before I left, that I didn't want to talk to Josh anymore until I got there. I didn't want one of us to say something to fuck up how we were feeling about each other. During those six days I was in the shittiest mood ever. I think they call it PMS, my doctor described it as PMDD and it starts the week before my period. Every month. I hate it.

What makes it so bad is while I'm going through this PMDD bullshit I KNOW I'm being a bitch, but because of the mood I don't give a fuck. So I do nothing about it but act like a fucking bitch. Gotta say it again. Sorry Josh.

After arrival night I woke up trying my hardest to be in a better mood. We went shopping for my kids and had lunch. Still being a bitch.

We went back to the room and I was sleepy. We played a few games. That's our thing. He tries really hard to beat me at anything. Sometimes I let him win, normally I don't. I just beat the shit out of him. After getting tired of whipping his ass, so many times, I decided to take a nap. Josh wanted to lay and play. I wanted to go to sleep. SO I did. Still being a bitch.

Josh had things to do. I wanted him to leave so I could try to snap myself out of this mood. I didn't want want this trip to be wasted on my dumb ass mood. He wanted me to go with him. FINE. I didn't want to, but I did. I'm glad I did. We had fun.

Got back to the room. Still a bitch.... I know, I KNOW!

Josh fell asleep watching a movie and that's when it happened. I WANTED TO BE WITH HIM and his ass was SLEEP. Get the fuck outta here. He was sleep and WOULD NOT wake up. Okay I deserved it so I took a shower and went to sleep.

GOOD MORNING. I woke up to Josh rubbing my back. I love this man.

We made love and his dick felt inFUCKINGcredible. OMG.

Of course, time after that moment, went by way too fast and it was time for me to leave. I didn't want to leave, ever.

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