Sunday, March 28, 2010

Girl's Weekend

I decided I was going to stay at home with my baby for at least the first year of his life. Well...

After three months I was longing for adult companionship. Eric was still going out and hanging until all hours of the night.

I found myself starting to resent him.

My best friend Tammy called and asked me to go on a girl's trip with her and two of our other high school girlfriends. As much as I was going to miss my baby. I really needed this trip. If for no other reason than to find the me that I had lost during the pregnancy and living in the house with Eric.

Luckily after having my baby I had almost bounced back to my old shape in no time. My ass wasn't as fat, which was so depressing. I knew I'd always been a small girl and my ass was my favorite feature. However, if you didn't know me with the ass than I guess it was nothing to miss.

My girlfriends and I headed for a weekend in Myrtle Beach for black bike week. I decided before even leaving that I was NOT getting on the back of a single bike. I was a mother and had a baby to get back home to.

Traffic on the strip was thick and we were stuck in it, but we didn't mind at all. While in traffic we flirted with the guys on their bikes. We laughed at the girls who looked a hot mess.

Day two on the strip. We were surrounded by a bunch of dudes on bikes from DC. They were funny and one caught my eye. There went the pact I made with myself. I got out of the drivers seat of my own truck on climbed on to the back of a stranger's bike.

I don't know what it was but something about him I trusted immediately. Looking back on it, it was probably the dumbest thing I'd ever done. Well second dumbest. I remember leaving a club and going with a guy to Atlantic City once.

Anyway, Chad. Motorcycle dude. Was gorgeous. The rest of the trip I was with Chad. We talked all night long and he never tried anything sexual. When we weren't talking we were zipping through Myrtle Beach on his bike. As anxious as I was to get home to my new baby. I did NOT want to leave Chad. I hadn't received this kind of attention from a man in what felt like forever.

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