Sunday, March 28, 2010


In the beginning Justin and I were always with Blake. The three amigos. If you saw one of us the other two were close behind. Then something changed and Justin and I started hanging out without Blake. To me there was nothing going on.

To everyone else we were dating. Even Amy thought so. Instead of talking to me, OR me talking to her, I allowed her to believe the worst. That was the end of our three year friendship.

Without the threat of Amy, Justin and I were able to focus on us. I fell for him hard.

At the time I thought sex with Justin was great. BOY, did I have a lot to learn.

I would do anything for Justin. Almost stupidly so. If I had it, he would have it. With no job I some how managed to spoil this boy way more than he deserved. Buying him everything from watches to clothes to shoes. I'm not sure why.

Our relationship went strong that summer until I left for college. When I left I also ended my relationship with Justin telling him how I felt used and under appreciated.

I'm not sure why but Justin will always hold a special place in my heart.

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