Monday, March 29, 2010

Oh shit.

I turned around and there was Eric. Pissed. As he had every right to be. He yanked the phone out of my hand and broke it in two.

Once his anger subsided we talked about it rationally. About how we had gotten to this point. About how I felt ignored. Neither of us went to work that day. We just talked.

Things changed for a little while. It was too late. I had a taste of Josh and I couldn't wait to see him again. So I did.

And again.

The closer I got to Josh the more Eric and I fought. Until finally I took my son and moved out.

I moved closer to Josh. Not so close that it was stupid, but close enough that I didn't have to drive so damn far. I was closer to my mother too, so it was a win/win.

Eric got his son every other week faithfully. Little did I know that he wasn't spending time with him, but sending him to his mother's house. Whatever. I was "free".

Josh made everything fun. Eating with Josh was fun, watching TV with Josh was fun, sex with Josh was fun.

Before Josh I thought oral sex was GROSS. Eric would ask every now and then and I would politely tell him I was waiting until we got married. Stalling for more time. There was something about Josh that not only made me want to do it, but I enjoyed doing it. I was so into this man that I had forgotten about everything and everyone else, including Chase.

It wasn't just the sex with Josh. It was everything else about our relationship that made the sex that much better. We would spend an entire day all over each other. Taking breaks just to eat. When we were out. We were somewhere having a ball. Josh was the first man that I felt 100% myself with.

Did I mention that we went everywhere together?

Whenever I was with Josh it felt like I was watching someone else's life unfold. It was TOO good to be true.

You know what they say about "all" good things???

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